Kindly note that formal complaints are resolved in accordance with our internal Complaints Policy
and the FAIS Act (Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services). You may complete our complaints form,
which can be accessed once you close this page.
Step 1: To contact us, you can either:
- Write to PO Box 10499, Johannesburg, 2000
- Call us on 0860 456 789
- Fax us on 011 408 2767 or
- Complete the complaints form when you close this page
Step 2: We will confirm receipt of your complaint within 3 days and respond to your complaint within 5 working days. Please remember to include your contact details so that we can communicate with you should we need to clarify any details.
You are welcome to contact various bodies such as the Long Term Insurance Ombudsman directly – however they will always refer to the relevant companies for their responses, and we recommend that your initial contact is with the Liberty Group.
Step 3: If you are still not satisfied with our response, please request a copy of the Liberty Group Complaints Procedure and the formal channels for your complaint will be followed. The procedures document contains details of various external complaints bodies, should you wish to take your complaint up with them.
Liberty Group Ltd is an Authorised Financial services Provider in terms of the FAIS Act (Licence no. 2409), Please consult your financial adviser should you require advice of a financial nature and/or intermediary services.